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Why Buhari shouldn’t be forgiven – Shehu Sani

April 23, 2023

A sociopolitical commentator, Senator Shehu Sani, has said that Nigeria would never be free of impunity when political leaders are absolved of blame simply for asking for forgiveness.

He said this in a Sunday tweet in an apparent response to President Muhammadu Buhari’s statement asking for forgiveness from Nigerians he hurt in the course of discharging his presidential duties.

“God gave me an incredible opportunity to serve the country. We are all humans, if I have hurt some people along the line of my service to the country, I ask that they pardon me.

“All those that I have hurt, I ask that they pardon me,” a Friday statement signed by presidential media aide, Garba Shehu quoted Buhari as saying.

Senator Sani said it was necessary for leaders to be held accountable for their actions.

“No country will be free from the impunity of misuse or abuse of power once its leaders are not held accountable after power, and are made to believe that they will be forgiven once they ask for forgiveness,” he tweeted. (The Herald).

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