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Tina Knowles, Beyoncé’s mom, files for divorce from second husband Richard Lawson.

July 27, 2023










Tina Knowles, the 69-year-old businesswoman and mother of Beyoncé, has officially filed for divorce from her husband of eight years, Richard Lawson. The court documents, obtained by Page Six, state that the couple’s date of separation was Tuesday, and the reason cited for the split was “irreconcilable differences.”

Despite the divorce, Tina has decided not to seek any spousal support from Richard, and the couple does not have any children together. Representatives for both Tina Knowles and Richard Lawson have not yet responded to Page Six’s request for comment on the matter.

Rumors of the couple’s separation began circulating earlier this month when fans noticed that Tina did not accompany her husband on his press tour for “Black Terror.” Further fueling speculation, Tina changed her Instagram bio from Tina Lawson back to Tina Knowles, though her username still contained her married name.

On social media, the couple had not posted any photos of each other since March, adding to the speculation about their relationship status. Despite having known each other for decades, Tina and Richard only started dating in 2013 and got married two years later on a yacht in Newport Beach, California.

Prior to her relationship with Richard Lawson, Tina was previously married to Mathew Knowles, with whom she shares her famous daughters Beyoncé and Solange.









The month of July has proven to be particularly challenging for Tina, as her Los Angeles-area home was recently burglarized. According to law enforcement reports, thieves made off with a whole safe of valuables, resulting in more than $1 million in stolen cash and jewelry. Fortunately, Tina was not at home during the burglary.

Source: Page Six


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