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Remi Tinubu Defends Husband: ‘He’s Not a Magician’ Amidst Nigeria’s Inherited Challenges

October 2, 2023

Nigeria’s First Lady, Remi Tinubu, has come forward to defend her husband, President Bola Tinubu, amid growing concerns about the state of the nation. Mrs. Tinubu emphasized that her husband is diligently working to address the longstanding issues that have plagued Nigeria, while also cautioning that he should not be expected to perform miracles.

Photo Credit: TopboyChris

“All we inherited are things that had happened many years ago; we are not here to put blame on any administration but to fix what has been damaged,” Mrs. Tinubu explained, adding, “My husband is not a magician; he is going to work, and I believe and hope that we will have peace in this country; the best is yet to come to us.”

During an interdenominational church service commemorating Nigeria’s 63rd Independence Anniversary, Mrs. Tinubu called on Nigerians to embrace hope and unity. She stressed that for Nigeria to experience the greatness that lies ahead, citizens must look beyond their current challenges.

“Good governance can only be impactful if the people follow the example of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who embodied the fruit of the spirit, including love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, and forgiveness,” Mrs. Tinubu added.

President Tinubu, who took office as Nigeria’s 16th president, has faced a series of economic challenges since assuming office, including issues with the Central Bank of Nigeria and soaring petrol prices. His policies have received both praise and criticism, with some lauding his efforts to address longstanding economic issues while others express concerns about the impact on everyday Nigerians.

Despite these challenges, President Tinubu recently announced interventions to alleviate the economic hardships faced by Nigerians, demonstrating his commitment to improving the nation’s economic situation.

As Nigeria navigates these turbulent times, hope remains that the president’s efforts will lead the country toward a brighter future.


Credit: Peoples Gazette/X

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