• Sip cool water throughout the night.
  • Use pillows and mattress covers that contain cooling gels.
  • Wear loose-fitting, lightweight, cotton or linen pajamas to bed.
  • Use lightweight, layered bedding that you can remove throughout the night.
  • Use a bedroom fan, sleep with your windows open, or crank up the air conditioning.
  • Keep a cold pack under your pillow, then flip your pillow to rest your head on a cool surface.

You can also take other Cleveland Clinic-approved steps that may help regulate your body temperature and help you stay drier while you sleep:

  • Exercise daily by walking, swimming, dancing, bicycling, etc.
  • Unwind before bedtime using deep breathing, relaxation and meditation techniques.
  • Avoid common night sweat triggers such as alcohol, spicy foods, caffeine and cigarettes or exercising immediately before bed.

But again, for any new symptom related to your health, you should visit a healthcare provider. You should especially schedule a visit if night sweats fall within the following criteria listed by the Mayo Clinic:

  • Your night sweats happen on a regular basis.
  • Your sweating is interrupting your sleep
  • The sweats are accompanied by other concerning symptoms like a fever, weight loss, pain in a specific area, cough, or diarrhea.
  • Menopause symptoms ended months or years ago and now you’re experiencing night sweats.