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“My wedding was full of haters” – Lady narrates marriage to an Asian man who bought her car after dating for two weeks

May 19, 2023






A young Nigerian lady has narrated how she married an Asian man she met on a dating app who bought her a car two weeks into their relationship despite opposition.

In a video making the rounds on social media, a lady whose life was transformed by her Asian lover shared her story.









She revealed that in order to prevent the wedding from happening, her friends kicked and spread rumors.

She continued, highlighting the fact that he had proposed to her about the time she was already two months pregnant.









“We met on dating app and he’s the best person I’ve ever met. After two weeks of dating, he got me my dream car. Few months later, he proposed and I was two months pregnant unknowingly.

We planned our wedding just a week and I was 6 months pregnant. I lost friends after my life was changed. Some of them even lied about my life so he can never marry me.

My wedding was full of haters but they had nothing to do just dancing on my tune cos God said so. Don’t let anyone tell you that you will never make it. Once God open the door for you, even demons will stand and clap for young. Your time is coming,” she wrote. (Yabaleft)

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