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Must Watch: Heartbreaking Video from Yobe State

August 29, 2023

An X (formerly Twitter) user Mallam Jabir is expressing his frustration with the current situation in Nigeria, particularly with politicians from the northern region.

He shared a video of children fighting over food in Guru Market, Yobe State, as an example of the dire circumstances in the country.

This experience is pushing the user to consider getting involved in politics to make a change and prevent selfish and irresponsible individuals from misleading the population.

Here is his post below:

“Things like this made me hate Nigerian politicians more especially the northern politicians. Look at the situation we’ve found ourselves today in this country. These are children fighting for a plate of food left by someone in guru market, yobe state.

Things like this encourage me to join politics because we cannot continue to allow selfish and irresponsible people to keep on deceiving us. We must act!!!”

Watch the heartbreaking video posted in his X account below:

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