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Multiple Petitions Have Started to Get Donald Trump Jr. Banned From Obtaining a VISA for This Country

June 21, 2023

One thing we didn’t expect from 2023 was hearing that people are trying to ban former US President Donald Trump’s eldest son Donald Trump Jr from coming into Australia. While Ivanka Trump is handling life as a devoted mom and Kushner wife, and Tiffany Trump is stepping up in the ranks of her political family, it seems Donald Jr is facing a lot of potential travel bans.

The Liberal Privilege author has been packing up to visit Australia from July 9 to 11 for a three-city speaking tour presented by the nonprofit called Turning Point Australia, which is an organization that creates a “community movement to promote the principles of freedom, free markets and limited government,” per the ticket page.

They’ve been promoting Donald Jr’s event extensively over the past few weeks, and it seems thousands are ready to get him barred from entering the country.

Because of this highly-publicized news, thousands have flocked to try to block him from getting a VISA. The most popular petition is called “Stop Donald Trump Jr getting an Australian Visa,” on Change.org.

With over 17,000 signatures already, the creator of this petition wrote, “Donald Trump Jr is an illegal drug-taking bigoted person who should not be allowed to enter Australia for the purpose of earning himself and possibly his father any ‘Campaign Contributions.’ Ban him from this country.”

As of right now, no further action has been made to ban him from the country, but the needed 25,000 signatures are creeping up fast.

Source: SheKnows

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