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Money Stash Discovered at Home of Aide to Ousted Son of Gabon’s Ex-President

August 31, 2023

In the aftermath of the political upheaval in Gabon, reports have emerged of the discovery of bags and suitcases brimming with assorted banknotes at the residence of the Chief of Staff to Nourredine Bongo, the eldest son of the deposed President Ali Bongo.

The cache was found within the residence of Yann Ngulu, who serves as the Chief of Staff to Nourredine Bongo, in an incident that has sparked considerable interest.

A recently circulated video on the X app (formerly Twitter) displayed the bags, containing bundles of CFA francs, dollars, and Euros, drawing attention to the monetary abundance.

In a televised appearance, a group of high-ranking Gabonese military officers asserted their control over the nation, seizing power in response to President Ali Bongo’s extended 14-year rule after a contentious re-election.

Ali Bongo’s father, Omar Bongo, held sway for a remarkable 42 years. With the Bongo family’s cumulative 56-year dominion, the recent coup has triggered widespread discussion and debate online.

Nourredine Bongo, responsible for coordinating presidential affairs encompassing administration, security, and defense, faced detainment on Wednesday, accused of corruption, embezzlement, and treason in connection to the unfolding events.

Credit: Sprinter99800/X

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