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Minister of Art, Culture and Creative Economy, Barr. Hannatu Musawa Refutes Circulating NYSC Statement

August 28, 2023

Barr. Hannatu Musawa, the Minister of Art, Culture and Creative Economy, has categorically denied the authenticity of a statement circulating in the media concerning her NYSC status as a serving Minister.

A spokesperson from the Federal Ministry of Information and National Orientation, Deputy Director of Press, released a statement on her behalf, clarifying that no official statement has been issued by the minister regarding the mentioned matter. The public is advised to exercise caution when encountering unverified information.

Acknowledging the support, solidarity, and understanding of Nigerians during this period, Barr. Hannatu Musawa emphasized that she has not made any official statement on the subject at hand.

In an excerpt from the statement, the Minister stated, “I want to address recent claims in connection to my NYSC status as a serving Minister, which have been inaccurately attributed to me. I want to make it clear that I have not released any formal statement on this matter. I appreciate the ongoing support from Nigerians and want to set the record straight that I have not commented on this ongoing issue.”

Source: Vanguard

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