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“Gabon’s Interim Leader Issues Stern Warning to Business Owners Amidst Corruption Concerns”

September 1, 2023

Photo Credit: Vanguard

In a fiery address, General Brice Oligui Nguema, the figure behind the overthrow of Gabon’s long-standing Bongo dynasty, has voiced strong concerns about corruption within state contractors. As he prepares to assume the role of transitional president next week, General Nguema wasted no time in addressing the issue.

During a meeting that gathered approximately 200 Gabonese business leaders on Thursday, he criticized firms for their excessive billing practices. His speech was subsequently broadcast on state television the following day.

Opponents of the former regime had frequently accused contractors closely associated with the government of inflating costs on state contracts in exchange for kickbacks to high-ranking officials.

Nguema didn’t mince words, stating, “It is difficult to perceive, at this stage, your commitment or patriotism when it comes to the development expected by our compatriots.” He made a resolute promise to ensure that the funds obtained through overbilling would be returned to the state, adding, “This situation, for me, cannot continue, and I will not tolerate it.”

National TV also displayed footage of Noureddin Bongo Valentin, the son of the deposed president, along with other arrested officials, showcasing suitcases purportedly filled with confiscated cash from their residences. These individuals have been charged by the military with various offenses, including treason, embezzlement, corruption, and forging the president’s signature, among other allegations.

Credit: AFP

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