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EMEFIELE 137 BDC’S, NAT ASSEMBLY $2.8Billion – Mahdi Shehu

June 12, 2023

In Jan 2019, Emefiele was alledged to have handed over 137 BDC licenses for distribution to N/A members unknown to the vast majority of members. Each BDC receives $3m monthly for 7 month($2.8Billion). The link man cornered 30 licenses.

Another principal officer took 40 licenses.The remaining were given to some principal officers.After 7 months, the allocation was halted because hell was let loose when it came to the knowledge of other members that were not given.

For the period of monthly allocation of $3M per BDC for 7 months, Emefiele allocated $ 2.8 billion N/A extoetionist. At the black market, they made a total “PROFIT” of N877 billion. EMEFIELE IS NOT ALONE. DIG FURTHER AND DEEPER.











Source: Mahdi Shehu/Twitter

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