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Controversy Erupts at 78th UN General Assembly as Allegations of Lavish Spending on Adult Entertainment Surface

September 22, 2023

Leaders and diplomats from around the world attending the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York are under scrutiny as reports of extravagant spending on high-end prostitutes and VIP strip clubs emerge.









According to sources cited by The New York Post, some attendees at the UNGA have indulged in sexual encounters with prices reportedly reaching as high as $5,000 per session. This revelation has cast a shadow over an event where leaders and envoys from 193 nations have convened to discuss pressing global issues such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Ukraine conflict, and climate change.

Among the attendees is President Bola Tinubu, accompanied by a delegation of ministers, aides, and officials. Despite the significant matters being discussed during the day, some government officials allegedly sought the services of prostitutes during the night, often at extravagant costs. These escorts were purportedly flown in from Las Vegas and Europe to meet with foreign diplomats in New York’s five-star hotels.

To avoid potential sex scandals, it is reported that diplomats discreetly meet with courtesans in hotels, rather than at their designated accommodations, to avoid unwanted exposure that could damage their political careers and reputations.

According to insiders, some diplomats come from conservative countries where fulfilling their sexual desires is challenging, leading them to explore such options in New York. One courtesan noted, “Diplomats go crazy because they’re so repressed where they are… they don’t have these girls.”

For those diplomats interested in enjoying the pleasures of lap dances in exclusive strip clubs, the expenses reportedly reach up to $100,000 for VIP private rooms. This extravagant behavior has raised eyebrows, as it departs from the typical crowd seen in such establishments.

It’s important to note that these allegations remain unverified, and the situation continues to develop. As investigations unfold, the controversy threatens to overshadow the important discussions taking place at the UNGA. The diplomatic community and the world at large await further information and clarification on these shocking claims.

Source: Page Six

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