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APC National Working Committee Holds Emergency Meeting Amidst Chairman’s Purported Resignation

July 17, 2023







The members of the National Working Committee (NWC) of the All Progressives Congress (APC) are currently engaged in a closed-door meeting to discuss the alleged resignation of their national chairman, Senator Abdullahi Adamu.

Contrary to previous occasions, a surprising number of 15 out of the 25 NWC members arrived at the secretariat as early as 11 am for the scheduled crucial emergency meeting, which was set to commence at 1 pm on Monday, July 17, 2023, according to Blueprint.

Speculations that Adamu had indeed resigned gained traction when the party’s Deputy Chairman (North), Abubakar Kyari, arrived at the secretariat around 10:45 am and notably occupied the parking space specifically reserved for the National Chairman at the entrance door.

However, by 12 pm, there was no sign of the embattled former Nasarawa State governor, Adamu, engaging in the usual daily activities at the secretariat or attending the NWC meeting.

Interestingly, there was no significant increase in security presence both outside and inside the secretariat, apart from the normal combined internal security personnel assigned to the premises.

The mood among the secretariat staff varied, with a few expressing sadness while many others were jubilant over the purported departure of the chairman. Some NWC members stated that the bold act of the Deputy Chairman (North) occupying the chairman’s parking space was sufficient confirmation of the chairman’s status.

Surprisingly, contrary to the expectations of many secretariat staff, the National Secretary, Iyiola Omisore, made a triumphant entrance into the secretariat precisely at 11:20 am and proceeded directly to his office on the third floor.

Several national officers, including most of the zonal National Vice Chairmen, are already engaged in a closed-door meeting.

“It is good that he is gone. He has inflicted pain and misery on several staff members since he assumed office here. We have prayed for a day like this, and thankfully, our prayers have been answered today. Let him go because we are tired of him,” a secretariat staff member confidentially shared with our correspondent.

Source: Blueprint

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