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10th NASS: Northern Alliance Alleges Plot To Arrest Betara, Yari

May 31, 2023

The chairman of the Northern Alliance For Democracy (NAD), Jibril Mohammed, has raised the alarm over the use of undemocratic methods to hinder the aspirations of Hon. Aliyu Betara and Senator-elect Abdulaziz Yari.

In a statement yesterday in Abuja Mohammed expressed concern over the plans by certain members of the All Progressives Congress (APC), leadership to intimidate, threaten and potentially arrest the duo.

Mohammed said Betara, the chairman of the Committee on Appropriations in the 9th House of Representatives and Yari, a former governor of Zamfara State, have fearlessly opposed the zoning arrangements of the APC for the leadership positions within the legislature.

He said both individuals have been actively campaigning to secure the positions of speaker of the House of Representatives and senate president, respectively, garnering support from their colleagues.

He said credible sources close to the ruling party have revealed that influential figures within the party’s leadership are determined to exploit the Economics and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), the Department of State Security (DSS), and the Independent and Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC), to employ these institutions to issue baseless charges, intimidate and summon Betara and Yari for questioning in an attempt to frustrate their political ambitions.

The chairman highlighted that the alleged offense committed by Betara and Yari is simply advocating for the APC to adhere to constitutional provisions, allowing members of the National Assembly to elect their leaders.

According to Section 50 (1a&b), members of the National Assembly have the right to elect the senate president, deputy senate president, speaker and deputy speaker from among themselves.

Mohammed expressed concern that the consistent practice of ruling parties handpicking leaders for the National Assembly undermines the independence and integrity of the legislature, posing a threat to democracy.

He cited previous instances, such as the crises within the 4th senate between 1999 and 2003 under the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the failed attempt by the APC to impose a senate president in the 8th senate, which eroded trust and confidence between the 8th National Assembly and the presidency.

(Source: Leadership.Ng)

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