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El-Rufai’s Daughter-in-law Issues Stern Warning: ‘I Don’t Make Empty Threats,’ Declares War on Instagram Critic

January 29, 2024

Photo Credit: Daily Trust


Aisha Habibu, the second wife of Bello El-Rufai, the son of former Kaduna State Governor Nasir El-Rufai, has criticized an Instagram user and others for interfering in her marriage under the guise of advice.

Aisha, who got married to her husband in 2023, is an entrepreneur who runs several enterprises.

She is the daughter of Colonel Habibu Shuaibu, the former Military Administrator of Plateau and Niger states while Bello is a House of Representatives member-elect from Kaduna North.

It all started when an Instagram user, Zainab, commented on her picture, asking why she’s rarely seen with her husband in public or posts him on social media.

In response, Aisha said, “Because my marriage isn’t for your consumption.”

Aisha then shared screenshots of the comments, saying, “Have we dropped this low as a society? Every day, I will pray for my Arewa brothers and sisters to find life. Let gossip and scandal not overtake you.”

“It appears that my husband’s publicity has misled you into believing I owe you something or that I tolerate this level of intrusion and disrespect.

“This is clearly a burner account, so I will spare myself the effort of figuring out who you are, but please locate me in public and teach me how to ‘publicly love’ to my face. I dare you.

“Also, a PSA for anyone who wants to be a scapegoat. I make no empty threats. You will only deal with me. In-person, not online. Please, let sleeping dogs lie,” she added.



Credit: Daily Trust

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