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Mother feared her son’s ‘werewolf syndrome’ condition was caused by eating a CAT to satisfy her cravings while she was pregnant

April 10, 2024


  • Jaren Gamongan, two, from the Philippines, has hypertrichosis – a rare condition
  • ‘Werewolf Syndrome’  affects just one in every one billion people


A mother has revealed her fears that her son’s ‘werewolf syndrome’ condition was caused by her eating a cat during pregnancy as she attempted to satisfy her cravings.

Jaren Gamongan, two, from Apayao in the Philippines, was born with a full head of hair, black sideburns, and patches of hair that filled his face, neck, back, and arms, as a result of a ‘one-in-a-billion’ medical condition.


Jaren Gamongan, two, from Apayao in the Philippines, was born with a full head of hair, black sideburns, and patches of hair that filled his face, neck, back, and arms, as a result of a ‘one-in-a-billion’ medical condition.

But his superstitious mother, Alma, believed the boy’s appearance was due to a curse wrought upon her when she ate a wild cat while pregnant with her son.

She said that during her pregnancy, she had uncontrollable cravings for wild cats, an exotic dish that is found in the remote mountain region where she lives.

Alma said she sought out a black feline from village friends and ate it – sauteed with herbs – which she later regretted when Jaren was born.

To her horror, fellow locals encouraged her ideas about a curse.

However, when she finally took Jaren to the qualified doctors this month, they found out he had a medical condition called hypertrichosis, an incredibly rare syndrome with only 50 to 100 reported cases worldwide since the Middle Ages.

Footage of the adorable ‘werewolf’ boy show him playing around a building and their home despite having a medical condition that gave him his excess facial hair growth.

Alma said: ‘I worry so much for him when it’s time for him to go to school. He might get bullied for being different.

‘I blamed myself when he was born because of the cravings I had. I felt very guilty. But then recently the doctors told me it was not related.’

Out of Alma’s three kids, the middle child, Jaren, was the only one born with the condition.

His older sister and baby brother were born with no complications.

Alma said Jaren was a happy and playful boy but he complains about having itchy rashes when the weather becomes hot.

Alma said: ‘I will give him a bath when it’s hot. We even tried to cut the hair, but it would just grow back even longer and thicker, so we stopped doing it.’

Alma finally had a consultation with a dermatologist this month.

They confirmed that Jaren’s condition was ultra-rare hypertrichosis, also called ‘werewolf syndrome’ that only affects an estimated ‘one in every one billion people’.

Dr Ravelinda Soriano Perez, who checked Jaren, said: ‘We believe this was an inherited condition, but it is very rare. One in only one billion people could have it.’

The medic added that while hypertrichosis did not have a cure, treatments such as laser hair removal could help the condition.

She said: ‘We will try to do ten sessions in four to six weeks and then observe.’

Mum Alma is now pleading for help since each session would cost the family 2,500 Philippine Peso (£35).

She said: ‘I am very thankful to those who already helped us. I hope my son could have a better chance in life with your help.’

What is ‘werewolf syndrome’?

Hypertrichosis is the term used for the growth of hair on any part of the body in excess of the amount usually present in persons of the same age, race, and sex.

It is a very rare condition which patients are either born with or develop later in life.

It excludes excessive hair caused by abnormally high levels of male hormones.

Throughout history those afflicted have been a source of great interest and they have performed in travelling circuses and freak shows.

Excessive hair may cause cosmetic embarrassment, resulting in a significant emotional burden.

Treatment options are limited, and the results of therapy not always satisfactory.

No single method of hair removal is appropriate for all body locations or patients, and the one adopted will depend on the character, area, and amount of hair growth, as well as on the age of the patient, and their personal preference.

Treatment methods include cosmetic procedures, bleaching, trimming, shaving, plucking, waxing, chemical depilatories, electrosurgical epilation, and hair removal using light sources and lasers.

Laser-assisted hair removal is the most efficient method of long-term hair removal currently available.

Source: American Journal of Clinical Dermatology

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