In the annals of American history, the institution of slavery held a paradoxical role, marked by a deeply controversial practice. During this time, a singularly perplexing measurement emerged: each enslaved individual was counted as 3/5 of a person. This calculation, born out of the necessity for Congressional apportionment, stood in stark contrast to the fact that these individuals were unjustly denied their right to vote.
Photo Credit: Smithsonian Magazine
The journey to the abolition of slavery was a lengthy one, with the official decree finally occurring on January 31, 1865. However, it’s worth noting that certain northern states had already taken steps to abolish slavery prior to this date.
One pivotal juncture came in 1808, as Southern States chose to reject the prohibition on importing new slaves into the United States. Furthermore, they also curtailed the efforts of free states attempting to safeguard the rights of these enslaved individuals.
Source: NeedToKnowFacts