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Widower’s Lawsuit: North Carolina Man Reaches Settlement with Restaurants Over Wife’s Tragic DUI Death

October 3, 2023

Photo Credit: Yahoo News

In a heart-wrenching turn of events, the estate of Samantha Miller, a bride whose life was tragically cut short on her wedding night, has reached a settlement with some of the establishments that served the intoxicated driver responsible for her untimely demise. According to court documents filed on Friday, The Crab Shack, The Folly Deli, and Progressive Northern Insurance Company have agreed to pay “certain sums” under the Wrongful Death Act and the Survival Act. In return, they are released from liability in connection to the April incident that claimed Samantha Miller’s life.

The fateful incident unfolded hours after Samantha Miller’s joyful wedding ceremony in South Carolina, where she had just tied the knot with Aric Hutchinson. Mr. Hutchinson, as the representative of the estate and sole beneficiary, was instrumental in the negotiations.

The settlement also stipulates that the settling defendants will cover attorney’s fees, amounting to 33 and one-third percent of the settlement sum.

Notably absent from the petition are the other defendants in the case, including the driver, Jane Komorosky, and several Folley Beach restaurants, along with an unnamed supervisor and multiple individuals identified only as John and Jane Does.

Jane Komorosky, the intoxicated driver at the center of this tragic incident, faces serious charges, including reckless vehicular homicide and driving under the influence causing great bodily injury.

According to statements from Folly Beach Public Safety Department Chief Andrew Gilreath, Samantha Miller and Aric Hutchinson had just exchanged their vows before the devastating accident occurred.

One responding Folly Beach police officer, who arrived at the scene of the accident, reported that Jane Komorosky exhibited a strong smell of alcohol and admitted to consuming alcohol shortly before the incident, stating that she had “one beer and a drink with tequila about an hour ago.”

Further investigations revealed that data retrieved from Komoroski’s rental car indicated she was traveling at a speed of 65 mph and briefly hit the brakes before colliding with a golf cart.

Jane Komoroski, in a fateful decision, refused both sobriety and breath tests, leading to her arrest. Subsequently, medical personnel drew a blood sample from her.

Shockingly, the blood test results revealed that her Blood Alcohol Content was 0.261, more than three times the legal limit for driving.

The lawsuit alleges, “Despite being noticeably and visibly intoxicated at each of these establishments,” Komoroski was continually served and allowed to consume alcohol.

This tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of irresponsible alcohol service and the devastating impact it can have on innocent lives. As the legal proceedings continue, the community mourns the loss of Samantha Miller, whose wedding night turned from a night to remember into an unimaginable tragedy.

Credit: Yahoo News/USA Today


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