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Utah school board unanimously reversed its decision to remove the Bible off school shelves after appeals

June 22, 2023

Photo Credit: CNN

A Utah school district that pulled the Bible off elementary and middle school library shelves this month, citing concerns over the text’s age appropriateness, unanimously reversed that decision Tuesday following appeals from the community.

The Davis School District chose to remove the King James version of the Bible from elementary and middle school libraries after a review committee found it included elements of “vulgarity or violence,” CNN affiliate KUTV previously reported. The vote came after a community member asked the district to review the Bible’s inclusion in school libraries, a district spokesperson told CNN.

Within days of announcing the book’s removal, the district received multiple appeal requests, district spokesperson Christopher Williams said.

The board’s vote on Tuesday followed the recommendation of an appeal committee that determined the Bible has significant, serious value for minors that outweighs the violent or vulgar content it contains, Williams said.

‘Now we can all ban books’

Book removals from school libraries have become a heated debate topic recently as school boards have removed books exploring concepts including race and LGBTQ experiences, based on challenges from some parents.

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