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Trump Vows “Largest Domestic Deportation Operation” If Reelected

September 21, 2023

Former President Donald Trump, currently leading the 2024 Republican primary field, made a striking announcement during a speech in Dubuque, Iowa, on Wednesday. He declared his intention to initiate what he called “the largest domestic deportation operation in American history” if he secures a second term in the White House.








Trump strongly criticized President Biden’s handling of immigration issues, specifically citing concerns about the situation at the southern border. He asserted that during his tenure, the United States had the “most secure border in U.S. history,” but now it faced the “worst border in the history of the world.” This statement came on the same day that more than 4,000 predominantly Venezuelan adult illegal migrants crossed into Texas.

If reelected, Trump pledged to immediately terminate “every Open Borders policy of the Biden Administration” and implement an approach inspired by the Eisenhower Model to carry out massive domestic deportation efforts.

Moreover, Trump outlined plans to use the Alien Enemies Act to remove known or suspected gang members, drug dealers, and cartel members from the United States, aiming to eliminate illegal alien gang violence. He also proposed shifting significant portions of federal law enforcement resources towards immigration enforcement, involving agencies like the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

In a notable move, Trump emphasized a commitment to secure the U.S. southern border by potentially deploying thousands of troops stationed overseas to that region. He stressed the importance of protecting America’s own borders before defending those of foreign nations.

To combat the flow of illegal drugs, Trump expressed plans to employ the U.S. Navy in imposing a comprehensive Fentanyl Blockade on regional waters, including boarding and inspecting ships for fentanyl and its precursors.

In addressing the issue of child trafficking, he intends to use Title 42, which ended in May, to return trafficked children to their families in their home countries promptly.

Trump also revealed his intention to reinstate and expand the 2017-era travel ban, originally targeting individuals from predominantly Muslim countries. His expanded ban would aim to keep “Radical Islamic Terrorists” out of the United States and use existing federal law to deny entry to communists and Marxists.

In his closing remarks, Trump emphasized that those seeking to join the country must love it, and he was determined to keep foreign communists, Marxists, and socialists from entering the United States.

These bold immigration and border security proposals by the former president are likely to generate significant debate and discussion in the coming months, as the 2024 presidential election approaches.

Source: Fox News



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