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Russia Signs Military Cooperation Agreements with Over 40 African Countries

July 28, 2023









In the second Russia-Africa Summit held in St. Petersburg, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed that Russia has forged military cooperation agreements with more than 40 African nations. The announcement was made during the summit’s final day, showcasing Russia’s commitment to bolstering the defense capabilities of its African partners.

During the summit, African states were offered a diverse array of weapons and technology, with some supplies being granted on a gratuitous basis. This move was aimed at enhancing the security and sovereignty of the recipient countries, strengthening their ability to address security challenges effectively.

To facilitate knowledge transfer and familiarity with the equipment, representatives from African nations have been invited to actively participate in Russia-organized military forums. These forums will focus on technical aspects of the weaponry and maneuvers, ensuring optimal utilization of the provided equipment.

Furthermore, President Putin pledged Russia’s support to assist African countries in their efforts to liberate themselves from the remnants of colonialism, reinforcing Russia’s commitment to being a reliable partner in the region’s progress.

On another note, President Putin also reaffirmed Russia’s role as a dependable supplier of grain to countries in Africa, underscoring the nation’s broader economic engagement with the continent.

Source: The Guardian

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