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Nigerien Soldiers Seize Power in Coup; President Bazoum Detained

July 27, 2023







In a dramatic turn of events, Nigerien soldiers have announced their takeover of power from President Mohamed Bazoum, who has been in detention since the early hours of Wednesday.

The coup was announced during a televised broadcast in the early hours of Thursday, led by 10 senior officers, with Colonel Major Amadou Abdramane at the forefront. They revealed that the National Council of the State Guard of the Nation made the decision to “put an end to the regime you are familiar with.”

The reasons cited for the seizure of power included the deteriorating security situation in the country and the perceived mismanagement of social and economic matters.

During the broadcast, the soldiers also made it clear that they still supported all commitments undertaken by Niger.

Prior to the announcement, the soldiers had cordoned off President Bazoum’s office and residence with military vehicles.

In response to the coup, crowds took to the streets of the capital city, Niamey, to show their support for President Bazoum. However, the situation escalated as soldiers fired shots to disperse the protestors.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) responded swiftly by sending the President of Benin, Patrice Talon, to Niger to intervene in the crisis. Talon proceeded to Niger after holding a meeting with President Bola Tinubu, the ECOWAS Chairman, in Abuja.

Tinubu had previously condemned the coup and issued a warning that both the regional body and the global community would not condone any disruption of constitutional order within the sub-region.

Source: Daily Trust

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