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Nigeria Leads African Nations with Highest Employee Well-being at 69% – New Report Reveals

November 6, 2023

Nigeria has earned the 4th position in the world for holistic health in a recent survey on employees’ well-being.

According to the survey conducted by McKinsey Health Institute and released on Thursday, Nigeria and Cameroon topped the list of African countries with the highest employee well-being, both recording an impressive rating of 69%.

The next African country with a higher rate of employee well-being, according to the survey, is Egypt, posing 63% in total.

Details of the Report 

According to survey results from Nigeria, 72% of participants reported favourable social health, 69% indicated positive physical health, 79% reported strong spiritual health, and 79% reported good mental health. In comparison, the global average was 57%.

Notably, survey respondents in Cameroon demonstrated the lowest incidence of workplace burnout, registering at a mere 9%.

This is significantly below the global average of 20%. Furthermore, participants from Cameroon displayed robust overall well-being, with 74% reporting good social health, 63% reporting good physical health, 84% attesting to strong spiritual health, and 80% acknowledging sound mental health.

Socioeconomic implications in Nigeria  

From a global context, Nigeria is ranked 4th in employee well-being according to the report. This demonstrates that employees fare better in Nigeria than in most African countries.

Across 30 countries, the report identifies that 22% of employees are currently grappling with burnout symptoms while highlighting considerable disparities in these statistics between nations.

With socioeconomic pressures mounting, such burnout indicates a lower level of performance at the workplace. Even though the vast majority of employees now work from home since the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recent finding, most employees still confront certain economic challenges that influence their work rate and pose a threat to their all-around well-being.

In contrast with most African countries, Nigerian workers perform better in terms of their physical, social and mental wellbeing, resulting in a more robust output in their work life.

  • The report noted that “Organizational, team, job, and individual interventions that address demands and enablers can boost employee holistic health. These may include flexible working policies, leadership training, job crafting and redesign, and digital programs on workplace health.” 

More Insights 

On a global scale, Turkey ranked first for having the highest level of employee well-being, with Japan scoring the lowest at 25%.

The report’s data ranked Turkey highest at 78%, India at 76%, and China at 75%. It highlighted the connection between positive work experiences, enhanced holistic health, increased innovation, and improved job performance among employees.

Japan found itself at the bottom of the list in a worldwide employee well-being ranking, scoring a mere 25%.

The survey’s Japanese participants indicated that 30% enjoyed good social health, 74% experienced physical well-being, 24% reported spiritual health, and 42% noted mental well-being.

The McKinsey Health Institute released the findings of a survey that questioned over 30,000 workers across 30 countries.

They assessed their social, mental, spiritual, and physical well-being to determine the survey.


Credit: Nairametrics

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