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New FCT Minister Nyesom Wike Pledges to End Open Grazing in Abuja

August 21, 2023






Nyesom Wike, the recently sworn-in Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), has expressed his determination to put an end to open grazing within Abuja. He made this declaration upon assuming office as FCT Minister in Abuja on Monday.

The former governor of Rivers State stated that while herdsmen could continue to rear their cattle outside the city, they would no longer be permitted to graze on the grasses that contribute to the city’s beautification.

“We will engage in consultations with the herdsmen to determine how we can halt open grazing, as we cannot allow cows inside the city. The city’s grasses are reserved for beautification purposes and are not meant to be consumed,” Wike asserted.

Highlighting the need for a balanced approach, Wike continued, “Hence, they can graze outside the city where grasslands are available. For example, the grasses within the city, like those in the [presidential] Villa, are not intended for consumption by livestock. The sight of thousands of goats grazing within such areas could have negative perceptions among foreign visitors.”

In addition to addressing open grazing, Wike also made a commitment to crack down on illegal markets within the FCT.

“While acknowledging the challenges faced by people in their search for sustenance, it is essential that their activities are conducted within the confines of the law to maintain peace and order,” Wike stated. “Unregulated markets, such as those that have popped up under trees with umbrellas, have contributed to insecurity and cannot be tolerated within a city setting.”

Source: Punch

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