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Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Experiences Momentary Freeze-Up During Press Conference

July 26, 2023









Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell caught the attention of reporters during a press conference when he experienced a brief moment of silence and appeared stone-faced on Wednesday. The incident raised concern among those present, but McConnell later returned, stating, “I’m fine.”

As the press conference centered on the progress of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), McConnell, 81, started discussing bipartisan cooperation before trailing off and maintaining a blank stare for about 20 seconds. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) leaned in and inquired if McConnell was okay, while Senate GOP Conference Chairman John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) offered to move the press conference back to McConnell’s office. Shortly after, McConnell nodded, signaling that he was ready to step back with an aide.








However, the Senate Minority Leader later reappeared toward the end of the press conference to address questions about his sudden departure. CNN’s chief congressional correspondent, Manu Raju, queried McConnell about a possible connection between the episode and an injury he sustained earlier in the year that resulted in a concussion.

To the reporters’ relief, McConnell responded that he was fine and fully capable of carrying out his duties. He proceeded to answer further questions, including inquiries about Hunter Biden’s abandoned plea deal and rumblings of impeachment in the House.









An aide of McConnell later clarified that he had felt light-headed and stepped away briefly during the press conference. However, upon his return, his responses were sharp, indicating no lingering issues.

Back in March, McConnell suffered a concussion after a fall at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in Washington, DC, during a fundraising dinner. Remarkably, he returned to the Senate just five weeks after the incident and even made light of it, humorously remarking that being “hardheaded” had served him well.

Mitch McConnell holds one of the longest-serving positions in the Senate, having dedicated over 38 years to his seat.

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Source: New York Post

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