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McCarthy’s Account of Trump’s Post-Jan. 6 State Revealed in Explosive New Book

November 29, 2023

Donald Trump was so depressed after his supporters attempted a coup on Jan. 6 failed that he stopped eating — or so says Kevin McCarthy, according to a new book by former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney.

Cheney writes in Oath and Honor — which was exclusively reviewed by CNN — that she questioned the former House Speaker about a trip he made to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in the aftermath of the Capitol riot, a time when Republicans were still willing to condemn Trump’s role in the violence that took place on Jan. 6.

McCarthy, who was critical of Trump around the time of the riot, allegedly told Cheney that he had gone because people around Trump were “really worried.”

“Trump’s not eating, so they asked me to come see him,” McCarthy said, according to Cheney.

Cheney was incredulous. “What? You went to Mar-a-Lago because Trump’s not eating?” she asked McCarthy, who reiterated that Trump was “really depressed.”

In another anecdote, Cheney described how McCarthy had said that Trump was aware that he had lost only two days after the election. McCarthy reportedly told Cheney that Trump “knows it’s over, he just needs to go through all the stages of grief.”

How did those stages of grief manifest? Partially through the former president helping incite a violent mob that broke into the Capitol in an attempt to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, harm lawmakers, and hang the vice president. Cheney was one of two Republican lawmakers on the House committee that investigated the attack, a role that alienated her from the rest of the party and lose her seat in Congress.

In her new book, Cheney describes many of her former Republican colleagues as “enablers and collaborators … willing to violate their oath to the Constitution out of political expediency and loyalty to Donald Trump.”

“We have also now learned that most Republicans currently in Congress will do what Donald Trump asks, no matter what it is,” Cheney writes. “I am very sad to say that America can no longer count on a body of elected Republicans to protect our republic.”


Culled from Rolling Stone/Yahoo News 

Photo Credit: The Rolling Stones

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