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Letter to minister of housing

August 24, 2023

As you settle in your new role, it is important to shed light on an issue of paramount importance – the urgent need for Nigeria to prioritise affordable housing. With a staggering housing deficit of 28 million homes, requiring a colossal N21 trillion in financing, it is crucial that our nation focuses on closing this gap to unlock the potential of our people and propel Nigeria towards prosperity.Affordable housing stands as a critical linchpin in our ambitious plans for national development. It serves as a foundation upon which countless other facets of progress are built – from socioeconomic stability to individual well-being and sustainable growth. By addressing the housing deficit head-on, we simultaneously embark on a journey towards alleviating poverty, creating jobs, and sparking economic growth in our dear nation. The current deficit poses daunting challenges that cannot be ignored. Millions of our fellow Nigerians find themselves without decent shelter, perpetuating a grave cycle of despair and limited opportunity. High rental costs and inadequate housing options place an unnecessary burden on citizens, hindering their potential and choking the nation from realising its potential. To address these pressing realities, it is paramount that we employ a multi faceted approach. Our strategies must involve collaboration with key stakeholders, including the public and private sectors, cooperatives, and international organisations experienced in addressing housing deficits. Together, we can forge a path forward that paves the way for the creation of safe, affordable, and sustainable communities throughout Nigeria. As the new minister of housing, your visionary leadership shall play an instrumental role in translating our collective aspirations into concrete action plans. By working closely with your colleagues in government, you have the power to mobilise resources, devise innovative financing models, and formulate policies that holistically address the housing crisis. Embracing public-private partnerships, streamlining regulations, and implementing tax incentives for affordable housing developers are just a few promising avenues we must explore. Furthermore, we must foster an environment that encourages research and development in housing construction methods, materials, and technologies. Technology driven solutions will not only enhance the speed and efficiency of housing construction but also reduce costs, making affordable housing a more attainable reality for millions of Nigerians. Embracing sustainability and environmentally friendly practices must be at the forefront of our efforts, ensuring that future generations can thrive in a clean and robust nation. By diligently championing these efforts, we can envision a Nigeria where every citizen has access to a safe and secure home. This, in turn, will drastically improve health outcomes, enhance educational opportunities, and empower our people to actively participate in the nation’s growth and development. From the densely populated urban centers to the farthest reaches of our rural landscapes, affordable housing shall serve as the catalyst for leveling the playing field and driving collective progress. Honourable minister, this is your moment to leave an indelible mark on Nigeria’s history. With your unwavering commitment to the urgent cause of affordable housing, we can bridge the 28 million housing deficit and nurture a thriving society. Seize this opportunity, rally the nation’s resources, and build a brighter future where affordable housing is no longer a dream but a tangible reality for all Nigerians.


Mukhtar Jarmajo CEO, Greenturf Architects.


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