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Lawyers for Woman Accused of Killing Bride as She Was Leaving Her Wedding Urge People Not To ‘Rush To Judgment’

May 12, 2023

After a woman allegedly drove drunk into a bridal party, killing the bride and seriously injuring the groom, her attorneys are asking the public “not to rush to judgment,” insisting that “all facts will come to light” as court proceedings unfold.

Samantha Miller, 34, and Aric Hutchinson were leaving their wedding reception in Folly Beach, South Carolina at approximately 10 p.m. on April 28 when 25-year-old Jamie Lee Komoroski allegedly rammed her rental car into their golf cart while driving 65 mph, well over twice the 25 mph speed limit, according to The Associated Press.

Miller was killed at the scene, still in her wedding dress, while Hutchinson suffered two broken legs, broken bones in his face, broken vertebrae in his back, numerous cuts and severe brain bleeds, according to a GoFundMe organized by his family.

Komoroski is accused of ramming her Toyota Corolla into the back of Miller and Hutchinson’s slow-moving golf cart. The smaller vehicle was reportedly thrown about 100 yards and rolled over several times before coming to a stop, injuring two additional passengers along with the bride and groom, according to the AP.

Benjamin Garrett, Hutchinson’s brother-in-law who was also thrown from the vehicle, is “recovering in the burn unit,” according to an update on the family’s GoFundMe page. He underwent surgery “to clean out and redress his severe road rash and open wounds,” and will need another skin graft before he is released from care.

Jamie Lee Komoroski Photo: Charleston County Sheriff’s Office.

Garrett’s son, 17-year-old Brogan, was also injured in the crash.

Komoroski, who was uninjured in the crash, was charged with three counts of DUI involving death or serious bodily injury and reckless homicide.

At the scene, Komoroski “strongly refused” to submit to sobriety tests on the scene, according to arresting documents reviewed by Law & Crime – although first responders reported that she smelled of alcohol and was unsteady on her feet at the scene. The results of her court-ordered blood test have yet to establish whether she was in fact under the influence at the time of the accident.

She told responding officers that she had consumed a beer and a drink containing tequila about an hour before the accident. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being sober), she ranked herself an eight, according to arrest affidavits cited by the New York Post.

Last week, the 25-year-old retained two attorneys, Nathan S. Williams and Christopher S. Gramiccioni, to defend her in court, according to the NY Post.

Williams, a former federal prosecutor, represented Dylann Roof after he gunned down nine members of a Black South Carolina congregation in 2015 when he was 21 years old.

Gramiccioni served as a prosecutor in Monmouth County, New Jersey for 10 years before he opened his own private practice in 2021, according to The Post.

In a statement to the Post & Courier, the lawyers jointly stated that they could not “fathom what the families are going through,” and offered their “deepest sympathies.”

“We simply ask that there not be a rush to judgment,” they implored. “Our court system is founded upon principles of justice and mercy and that is where all facts will come to light.” (Oxygen)

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