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Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis Fires Back at House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan Over Trump Case

September 8, 2023









In a strongly-worded letter, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis did not hold back in her response to House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan’s demand for all documents related to her case against former President Donald Trump and 18 others indicted last month. The letter, which could easily be summarized as “You’re misinformed, and I can’t believe I have to address this,” has caused quite a stir.

Willis took issue with Jordan’s request, labeling it as a violation of the separation of powers and an attempt to interfere with an active criminal case in Georgia. She stated, “Your attempt to invoke congressional authority to intrude upon and interfere with an active criminal case in Georgia is flagrantly at odds with the Constitution.” Her response underscored her belief that Congress should not be involved in the oversight of a Georgia criminal investigation and prosecution.

Willis didn’t stop there. She also criticized Jordan’s understanding of Georgia’s racketeering statute and criminal conspiracy law, suggesting that he should brush up on the basics. She pointed out that a Special Purpose Grand Jury, composed of everyday citizens, had conducted a 10-month investigation and made recommendations. Another grand jury, made up of different Fulton County citizens, found probable cause for the defendants’ indictment on RICO violations and various felonies.

In a particularly impactful section of her letter, Willis recommended that Jordan consider purchasing a copy of “Criminal Law for Dummies” to better grasp the intricacies of criminal conspiracy law. She explained the reasons behind the inclusion of overt and predicate acts in the indictment, emphasizing that they were related to a criminal conspiracy to overturn Georgia’s 2020 Presidential Election.

Willis also urged Jordan to read “RICO State-by-State” to gain a more comprehensive understanding of Georgia’s RICO statute and similar laws in other states, suggesting that he could purchase a copy for $249.

As of now, Jordan has not responded to Willis’s letter, leaving many to wonder about the next chapter in this ongoing legal saga.

Credit: Vanity Fair

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