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First Lady commissions renamed Maryam Babangida National Centre for Women Devt

July 21, 2023







First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Sen. Oluremi Tinubu, yesterday has commissioned the renamed Maryam Babangida National Centre for Women Development, MBNCWD, to improve the living conditions of women in the country.

During the event held at the Centre in Abuja, Sen. Oluremi Tinubu, officially immortalised the Late Mrs Maryam Babangida by renaming the National Centre for Women Development, NCWD, after her.

She also unveiled her First Lady’s portrait and a compendium of activities of the First Lady and Wives of Governors of Nigeria 2015-2023.

She noted that the sterling contribution of Late Maryam to the lives of ordinary Nigerians and described her as a matriarch who has impacted women, especially those in rural areas and in Africa as a whole.

“Her Excellency the late Maryam was an icon who redefined the scope of women’s participation in national development and through her pet programme Better Life for Rural dwellers touched ordinary lives especially at the rural areas.

“I am happy that I was part of the ninth National Assembly Senate when the bill for the renaming of the centre was passed and assented into law,” she said.

Also Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Women Affairs, Mrs Monilola Udoh, stated that the renaming was in line with the amendment of the National Centre for Women Development Act, Cap. N15, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004, to enhance the functions of the Centre adding that the bill for the change of name was passed by the Senate on March 29, 2023, while the House of Representatives passed the same on April 5, 2023.

Udoh speaking on the deceased First Lady Maryam, said that, “On this day, we remember her for all that she did to put Nigerian women on the global map. We celebrate her pioneering efforts to promote the strength embedded in women and their ability to do exploits when they believe in a common cause and bond together, combine efforts towards achieving it.

“It has been a long road to success but finally, we are here today, to revert to the original name of the Centre as Maryam Babangida National Centre for Women Development.

She noted that the Ministry of Women Affairs as the National Machinery for the advancement of the rights and wellbeing of women and children; including the vulnerable in the country was well pleased with the activities of the Maryam Babangida National Centre for Women Development.

She said as the only parastatal of the Ministry, the Centre continues to complement our efforts in the empowerment of women and girls in Nigeria.

In her words, “Today’s activities are strategic as they herald the upcoming celebration of 31st July as Pan African Women’s Day; a day set aside by the African Union to celebrate and acknowledge the foremothers of Africa who gallantly fought for the liberation and development of this continent. Women are the backbone of our communities and our economies, but they face significant economic challenges,access and opportunity gaps that make it hard for them to reap the benefits of their hard labor and contribute significantly to society. Policies, data and strategic framework.

“In this regard, the Induction Ceremony which is a part of today’s story draws its strength from the Revised National Gender Policy 2021 to 2025, in emphasizing implementation of policies in Nigeria as aligned with relevant regional and international protocols and instruments. I am therefore confident that the outcome of today’s activities will add value to Nigeria’s position on the participation of women in public life.

“As a flagship Data Base, the Nigerian Women hall of Fame serves as a National Repository to document and celebrate the success stories of Nigerian Women, young and old. The goal is to profile the unique and vast productive capacities of women and give greater visibility to their work and achievements, thereby curating a National Development Record for Nigerian Women.

“Given the significance of the Hall of Fame, I call on all States to ensure that they replicate this initiative in their respective States to ensure that the laudable achievements of our women are not lost in history and the “Herstory” is brought to bear in the scheme of things. I understand that the National Council on Women Affairs had previously approved a Memorandum to give credence to the institutionalization of the States Hall of Fame. As a Ministry, we will continue to advocate for the establishment of such projects to give visibility to our women.

Meanwhile, Asabe Vilita-Bashir, the Director-General of the Centre, Dr Vilita Bashir pointed out the huge contribution of the late first lady, especially her “Better Life for Rural Women” project, which impacted the lives of women nationwide.

She said, “Maryam Babangida is someone that Nigerian women will not forget and we are doing this to encourage other women leaders to emulate her virtues, commitment and support to women.

“This will serve as an inspiration to all women in leadership positions to do more for Nigerian women and will be recorded by history.”

The Vice President’s wife, Hajia Nana Shettima, two sons of late Maryam Babangida, Mohammed and Aminu Babangida, The Director General of the Centre, Dr Asabe Bashir, the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Women Affairs Monilola Udoh were among the dignitaries that graced the occasion.


(Nigerian Pilot)

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