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Demonstrator Sets Self Ablaze in Political Act Outside Israeli Consulate in Atlanta

December 2, 2023

A protester is in critical condition after setting themselves on fire in an apparent “political protest” outside an Israeli Consulate office in Atlanta, police said.

The protester was outside a building that’s home to businesses including the Israeli Consulate on Friday afternoon when a security guard noticed the individual was attempting to set themselves on fire, Atlanta police said at a news conference.

The security guard tried to stop the protester, but both the guard and protester suffered burns and have been hospitalized, police said.

Authorities said there is no “nexus to terrorism,” but the incident was “likely an extreme act of political protest.”

A Palestinian flag that was part of the protest was recovered at the scene, police said.

The protester suffered severe burns and is in critical condition, police said. The security guard was burned on the wrist and leg.

Gas was used as an accelerant, according to authorities.

Everyone inside the building is safe, police said, adding that there’s no apparent threat.

Anat Sultan-Dadon, consul general of Israel to the southeastern U.S., said in a statement, “We are saddened to learn of the self-immolation at the entrance to the office building. It is tragic to see the hate and incitement toward Israel expressed in such a horrific way. The sanctity of life is our highest value. Our prayers are with the security officer who was injured while trying to prevent this tragic act. We are grateful to the city of Atlanta’s law enforcement and first responders for all they do to ensure safety.”






















Culled from abc News

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