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“Daring Prison Escape: Inside Help Suspected in Daniel Khalife’s Getaway”

September 7, 2023








A nationwide manhunt is in full swing in the United Kingdom as authorities search for Daniel Khalife, a former soldier who made a bold escape from Wandsworth Prison while disguised as a chef. Security officials now believe it’s “almost certain” that Khalife received inside assistance for his getaway.

Speaking to the Independent, a security official disclosed, “All the indications are that this was an orchestrated job and not an opportunistic escape. It is almost certain that he had some inside help from the prison.”

Justice Minister Alex Chalk has launched an investigation into the escape, stating that “no stone must be left unturned” in determining how Khalife managed to break free. He informed the Commons that strapping was discovered on the underside of the escape van, saying, “All lines of inquiry are being considered.” Chalk also refuted claims that Khalife had been transferred from the high-security HMP Belmarsh to the lower-security Wandsworth Prison.

Khalife had been held on remand, accused of planting fake bombs at a military base. His escape has put airports and ports on high alert amid concerns that he may attempt to flee the country.

Downing Street has expressed confidence in Justice Secretary Rishi Sunak regarding his handling of the escape, dismissing blame for the incident on cuts to the prison service. However, Sunak’s spokesman acknowledged the need for additional prison staff.

Wandsworth Prison’s performance had been a “serious concern,” with watchdogs issuing multiple warnings over the past year. There is now mounting pressure on the government to fulfill its manifesto promise of launching a royal commission to examine the criminal justice system in light of this incident.

Former detective Peter Bleksley has advised pharmacists to exercise vigilance when approached for advice on treating burn injuries, as Khalife had concealed himself under a food delivery van during his escape.

Bleksley emphasized that such vehicles are typically thoroughly searched upon entry and exit from prisons. He pointed out that clinging to the bottom of a vehicle with a combustion engine is risky due to the presence of exhaust systems, which can cause severe burns with the slightest touch.

Food delivery service Bidford confirmed that its driver had “fully cooperated with the police” during the security incident involving Khalife’s escape. Sky News reported that Khalife had clung to the bottom of one of their vehicles. Bidford’s statement mentioned their commitment to assisting the ongoing investigation.



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