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Autistic lady welcomes baby boy after her baby daddy denied being responsible for the pregnancy

May 19, 2023









An autistic Nigerian woman, simply identified as Joy, has defied all odds and welcomed a bouncing baby boy into the world.

The woman’s sister, who shared the news on social media, revealed that the man she claims is responsible for the pregnancy has denied his involvement.

In a heartwarming video shared online, the new mother can be seen getting glammed up alongside her lively baby boy.

The sister also disclosed that the family has taken on the responsibility of caring for her since the man who impregnated her refused to acknowledge it.

She added that despite the stress they experienced, they are relieved and happy to see their sister and her baby doing well.

“This is my kid sister, her name is Joy, Joy has autism. She was already 3 months gone when my family found out she was pregnant, my elder sister called to tell me the news, we cried, prayed… we asked her who was responsible, she pointed one, we called him in he denied everything. We took responsibility of taking care of her”, the sister narrated. (Yabaleft)










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