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After 8 Years, Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez Settle Divorce Matters: Child Support Payments by Halle

August 23, 2023

Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez have finally reached the end of their divorce journey, solidifying a comprehensive custody and child support agreement. Following their split in 2015 after a 2-year marriage, the former couple’s legal battle persisted due to unresolved matters regarding their child, 9-year-old Maceo. However, in August 2023, legal documents were submitted to the L.A. County Superior Court, formally addressing the outstanding issues.

The recent court documents reveal that Halle and Olivier have come to terms on joint legal and physical custody of their son, Maceo. Additionally, it has been agreed that Maceo will participate in both individual and family counseling sessions, which will allow Halle and her daughter Nahla (from a previous relationship) to attend. Interestingly, Halle’s current boyfriend, Van Hunt, has been excluded from participating.

The custody arrangement stipulates that Halle will have custody of Maceo from Monday to Wednesday, while Olivier will have him from Wednesday to Friday, with adjustments for school closures. The weekends will see alternating custody between the two parents.

In terms of financial support, Halle will provide $8,000 per month to Olivier as child support, along with an extra 4.3 percent of her income beyond $2 million. Furthermore, Halle will cover all of Maceo’s private school fees, extracurricular activities (including soccer), and his health insurance, which encompasses medical and dental needs, along with any uninsured expenses.

Given Halle Berry’s successful acting career, it appears she is well-prepared to manage these financial responsibilities.

Source: TMZ


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