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How To Send WhatsApp Message To Unsaved Phone number

October 2, 2024

How To Send WhatsApp Message To Unsaved Phone number

Whatsapp has become undoubtedly one of the most significant social media apps.

With   over 3 billion monthly active users,WhatsApp  ranks first in the list of the most popular global mobile messenger apps.

The limitation of messages only to contacts saved on the messaging device is however a snag for some users.

Here are five simple methods to send WhatsApp messages without saving the number:

 1: Using the WhatsApp Application

Open WhatsApp and copy the recipient  mobile number.

Tap the “New Chat” button and select your name under “WhatsApp Contacts.”

Paste the recipient mobile number into the text box and click “Send.”

Tap the mobile number; if the person is on WhatsApp, you’ll see a “Chat with” option.

Tap “Chat with” to initiate a conversation.

 2: Creating a Link in Your Browser

Open your browser (on mobile or desktop).

Paste the following link in the address bar: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=xxxxxxxxxx

Replace “xxxxxxxxxx” with the mobile number, starting with the country code (e.g., http://wa.me/919876543210) and press Enter

Click on  “Continue to Chat”  to open the WhatsApp chat window.

3: Using the Truecaller App

Open the Truecaller app and search for the mobile number.

Scroll down and click on the WhatsApp icon next to the number.

This will open a WhatsApp chat window for that number.

4: Using Google Assistant (Android)

Activate Google Assistant and say, “Send a WhatsApp to [mobile number with country code].” (e.g., “Send a WhatsApp to +919876543210”).

Audibly dictate the message you want to send.

Google Assistant will send the WhatsApp message to the specified number.

5: Using Siri Shortcuts (iPhone)

Add the shortcut and enter the recipient’s mobile number to open a new WhatsApp chat window. 

Open the Siri Shortcuts app.

Go to “Settings” > “Shortcuts” and enable “Allow Untrusted Shortcuts.”

Download the “WhatsApp to Non-Contact” shortcut (search online or use a provided link).


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