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Former NYC COVID-19 Czar Fired After Admitting to Attending S*x Parties During Pandemic

September 24, 2024

Dr. Jay Varma, former New York City COVID-19 czar, has been fired from his position as Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at SIGA Technologies following his admission of attending sex parties during the height of the pandemic. The news of Varma’s dismissal was disclosed in a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing on Monday, just days after he confirmed the allegations in a viral hidden camera video.

Revelations of COVID Rule Violations

Last week, Dr. Varma acknowledged attending two private sex parties in 2020 while still serving as the city’s top public health official. These events occurred at a time when Varma was at the forefront of advising New Yorkers to avoid social gatherings to mitigate the spread of the virus. He also admitted to attending a large dance party in June 2021, a gathering of roughly 200 people, after his tenure in the city administration had ended and he had transitioned to a consulting role.

Varma’s confessions came after conservative podcaster Steven Crowder published a heavily edited hidden camera video showing Varma discussing his participation in the events. Crowder is known for his controversial views and critiques of public health officials and COVID-19 policies.

Varma’s Role During the Pandemic

Dr. Varma played a pivotal role in shaping New York City’s response to COVID-19 during some of the darkest days of the pandemic. He helped craft policies that enforced strict social distancing guidelines, limited gatherings, and imposed vaccine mandates for city workers and residents. One of Varma’s most notable actions included advocating for the mandatory vaccination rule that barred Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving from playing basketball after Irving refused to get vaccinated.

However, these latest revelations paint a troubling picture of hypocrisy. While urging millions of New Yorkers to stay home and avoid others to prevent the spread of the virus, Varma himself flouted the very rules he helped create.

Varma’s Admission and Apology

In a public statement, Dr. Varma acknowledged his actions, stating that he and his wife hosted two private sex parties in a hotel in August and November of 2020. These events occurred while the pandemic was raging, and many New Yorkers were still grappling with stringent lockdowns and personal losses.

Varma further admitted to attending the 200-person dance party in June 2021, but noted that this occurred after he had already left his role with the city. In his statement, Varma expressed regret for his actions, saying, “I take responsibility for not using the best judgment at the time.”

However, he also expressed frustration at how the video was released, claiming he had been targeted by “an operative for an extremist right-wing organization determined to malign public health officials and take down the public health system in America.” He stated that the footage had been spliced and taken out of context to discredit his work. “I stand by my efforts to get New Yorkers vaccinated against COVID-19, and I reject dangerous extremist efforts to undermine the public’s confidence in the need for and effectiveness of vaccines,” Varma said.

A Tarnished Legacy

Varma’s public apology has done little to quell the growing controversy surrounding his actions. Many critics have expressed outrage at the hypocrisy of a top public health official participating in risky gatherings while the public was told to adhere to strict COVID-19 protocols. His actions have raised questions about accountability and trust in those who led the pandemic response.

This scandal comes at a time when trust in public health officials and the broader health system remains fragile, particularly after years of conflicting messages during the pandemic. As more details emerge, Varma’s legacy as one of the architects of New York City’s pandemic response will likely face intense scrutiny.

Next Steps for Varma and Public Response

Following his dismissal from SIGA Technologies, Varma’s future in the public health sphere remains uncertain. Many are calling for further investigations into the full extent of his actions during his time in office, while others have pointed out the dangerous precedent set by the use of hidden camera footage to discredit public officials.

Public reaction to the scandal has been swift, with many taking to social media to voice their outrage over Varma’s actions. Some have accused him of gross misconduct and demanded that he be held accountable, while others have defended him, arguing that his personal life should not overshadow his contributions to public health.

As the fallout from this scandal continues to unfold, Varma’s role during the pandemic will likely remain a topic of debate in public health circles and beyond.

Credit: CBS News

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