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Turkish company to establish tractor assembly plant in Yobe

December 18, 2023

A Turkish agricultural manufacturing firm, Abollo Agricultural Machinery Company, has indicated interest in establishing a tractor assembling plant in Yobe state.

Mr. Tevfik Gumus, chief executive officer of the company, disclosed this when a delegation from the state visited the company in Konya, Turkey, Friday.

He said the plant will assemble the tractors with complete accessories and equipment needed for agriculture, from planting to harvests to make farming easy, attractive, and profitable to farmers in the state.

Tevfik assured that the company will produce equipment that is suitable for the state topography and climate and the North-east in general.

The CEO said the company had been in existence 40 years ago producing equipment suitable to conditions of over 60 countries.

“We provide solutions to agricultural challenges from planting to harvests.

“The company also works on soil preparation and testing, training, and equipment.

“Our company is most willing to partner your state to design, manufacture, and establish a plant in your state to serve you and other states close to you,” he assured.

Gov. Buni assured of the preparedness of his administration to partner private investors and to provide the necessary incentives to the company and other investors.



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