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Special Counsel Appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland Deepens Hunter Biden Probe Ahead of 2024 Election

August 11, 2023









In a significant turn of events, Attorney General Merrick Garland revealed on Friday that he has designated a special counsel to oversee the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of the president. This move further intensifies the scrutiny surrounding President Biden’s son just before the approaching 2024 election.

David Weiss, the U.S. attorney from Delaware who has been actively delving into Hunter Biden’s financial and business activities, has been selected as the special counsel. Concurrently, Weiss informed a federal judge in Delaware about an apparent deadlock in plea deal negotiations pertaining to the Hunter Biden case.

Garland, addressing the matter at the Justice Department, acknowledged the unique nature of the situation. He disclosed that Weiss personally sought the role of special counsel, expressing his belief that the investigation had reached a pivotal juncture warranting this position.

“Taking into account his request, as well as the exceptional circumstances surrounding this issue, I have concluded that it is in the best interest of the public to appoint him as special counsel,” Garland stated.

This unexpected move marks a significant departure from Garland’s usually cautious approach and comes against the backdrop of extensive inquiries by the Justice Department into both former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden’s primary adversary in the upcoming election.

Simultaneously, House Republicans are conducting their own investigation into Hunter Biden’s business affairs.

The decision follows the recent collapse of Hunter Biden’s plea deal related to tax evasion, prompted by concerns raised by U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika, an appointee of former President Donald Trump.

Source: Associated Press

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