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Jamie Foxx Apologizes for Controversial Instagram Post, Clarifies Intent

August 5, 2023

Jamie Foxx Issues Apology After Sharing Controversial Instagram Post.









Photo Credit: Jamie Fox/Instagram


Jamie Foxx, the Oscar-winning actor, has issued an apology to the Jewish community and all those who were offended by a post he shared on Instagram last Friday. The post had been criticized for its alleged “antisemitic” undertones. In his Instagram statement on Saturday, Foxx expressed regret for the choice of words he used and clarified that his intention was never to cause offense.








Foxx explained that the message he conveyed was related to being betrayed by a fake friend, using the term “they” in that context. He emphasized that his words were misconstrued and that he holds love in his heart for everyone. The actor concluded by reaffirming his support for the Jewish community and extending his heartfelt apologies to anyone who felt hurt.

While Foxx’s apology received a mixture of reactions, the majority of feedback was positive. Fans expressed appreciation for his willingness to address the issue and clarify his stance. One fan commended Foxx for taking responsibility and wished him well on his recovery journey. Others echoed the sentiment that the original post was misunderstood, understanding the intended message.

The controversial post Foxx shared initially read, “They killed this dude named Jesus… What do you think they’ll do to you?! #fakefriends #fakelove.” This post was swiftly removed after it garnered backlash for potentially promoting hateful rhetoric towards Jewish individuals.










Critics online argued that the post perpetuated antisemitic ideas, invoking classic blood libel and anti-Jewish conspiracy theories. However, not everyone interpreted Foxx’s post in the same way. Actress Jennifer Aniston, for instance, had “liked” the post, which led her to clarify on her Instagram Story that it was not intentional and that she unequivocally rejects antisemitism in any form.

Foxx’s incident is part of a broader context in Hollywood, where several celebrities, including Kanye West, have faced criticism for their alleged anti-Jewish remarks. West, who collaborated with Foxx on hit songs, was dropped from brand partnerships due to his controversial statements.

Source: Page Six

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