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President Tinubu to Restructure Federal Ministries: A Closer Look

July 29, 2023








President Bola Tinubu’s administration is set to undertake a major restructuring of federal ministries, aiming to merge, create, and scrap some in line with the recommendations from the Stephen Oronsaye report on civil service restructuring. The move is expected to enhance service delivery and align with government policies.

The Federal Ministries of Education, Youths and Sports Development, Agricultural and Rural Development, Solid Minerals, Works and Housing, Power; Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management, and Social Development are among those being considered for restructuring, potentially leading to the establishment of new ministries.

According to sources, plans are underway to split the Ministry of Education into two, creating the Ministry of Tertiary Education and the Ministry of Basic Education for primary and secondary education oversight.

Similarly, the Ministry of Works and Housing may be unbundled to focus on federal roads and highways, while the Ministry of Housing will be restructured to stimulate economic growth.

The Ministry of Humanitarian, Social Development, and Disaster Management could be restructured into the Ministry of Human Development, incorporating social development functions.

Additionally, the Ministry of Transportation may be unbundled into the Ministry of Railways and Rail Transport and the Ministry of Waterways and Marine Transportation.

The Ministry of Information is set to be renamed as the Ministry of Information and National Orientation, with the National Orientation Agency playing a more prominent role in public information dissemination.

Furthermore, new ministries of Solid Minerals and Iron and Steel Development are slated for creation.

While the exact fate of certain ministries and agencies remains uncertain, experts emphasize that the restructuring will depend on government policies and priorities. There are calls for the separation of certain ministries and the creation of new ones to optimize efficiency.

The administration’s decision to implement the Oronsaye report’s recommendations aims to streamline operations and drive economic reform. The process will involve the reduction, abolition, and merger of several agencies.

As the restructuring unfolds, the nation awaits the outcome and hopes for effective implementation of government policies.

Source: Punch

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