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President Biden Nominates First Woman to Lead the Navy

July 21, 2023

Photo Credit: Jim Cleveland US Navy via AP

In a historic move, President Joe Biden has chosen Adm. Lisa Franchetti as his nominee to lead the Navy, according to a senior administration official. If confirmed, Adm. Franchetti will become the first woman to hold the position of a U.S. military service chief.

President Biden’s decision to select Adm. Franchetti, the current vice chief of operations for the Navy, goes against the recommendation of his Pentagon chief, but it aligns with the preferences of insiders who considered her the top candidate for the job. Adm. Franchetti’s vast command and executive experience at sea and ashore, including high-level policy and administrative roles, make her a compelling choice. Her deep knowledge in budgeting and departmental operations factored into the President’s decision.

Adm. Samuel Paparo, the current commander of the Navy’s Pacific Fleet, had been recommended by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin for the top Navy role. However, instead, President Biden is nominating Adm. Paparo to lead U.S. Indo-Pacific Command. This move reflects the President’s commitment to putting the right person in each position, as stated by the administration official.

Adm. Franchetti’s nomination is expected to inspire and pave the way for sailors, both men and women, as the first female member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Her confirmation would mark a significant milestone for gender representation in the U.S. military’s top leadership positions.

Notably, Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama is holding up confirmation proceedings for hundreds of military moves, including officer appointments, in protest of a Defense Department policy related to reproductive care.

Adm. Franchetti is set to assume the acting chief role next month upon the retirement of Adm. Michael Gilday, the current top Navy officer.

Aside from Adm. Franchetti’s nomination, President Biden will also nominate Vice Adm. James Kilby as the vice chief of the Navy and tap Vice Adm.  Stephen Koehler to lead the Pacific Fleet, further reinforcing his commitment to assembling a strong leadership team.

The nation now awaits the confirmation process, which will shape the future direction of the U.S. Navy under the leadership of Adm. Lisa Franchetti.


(Source: AP)

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