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GTBank Customers Face Frustration with Mobile App Amid Technical Disruption

July 15, 2023






Customers of Guaranty Trust Bank (GTBank) expressed frustration on Friday due to disruptions in the bank’s digital operations, particularly related to the use of its mobile app.

The issues arose following an app update that was intended to bring improvements and new features to GTBank’s mobile transactions. However, instead of a seamless experience, customers encountered difficulties and login issues.

GTBank had informed customers through text and email messages on Tuesday that the app would be automatically updated to the new version on July 12. The communication mentioned that users with automatic app updates enabled would experience a newly designed interface upon launching the GTWorld Mobile Banking App. It also stated that support for the current version of the app would be discontinued on August 12.

However, since Thursday, customers have faced challenges with the app update, with many expressing frustration over not being adequately informed about the need to enable auto-updates for the app.

Customers reported various issues, including the app freezing after entering their phone number, being locked out of their accounts after unsuccessful login attempts, and difficulties finding the app on the App Store after deleting it to resolve login problems.

As a result, many customers have been unable to access banking services. Despite the widespread outcry, GTBank is yet to resolve the challenges faced by its customers.

Premium Times reached out to GTBank’s spokesperson, Charles Eremi, through multiple telephone calls and text messages, but did not receive a response as of the time of this report.


Source: Premium Times

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