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Thieves Steal Lighting System from Runway at Lagos International Airport

July 11, 2023







In a concerning incident, thieves have stolen the lighting system from one of the runways at Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos. The spokesperson for the Federal Aviation Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Abdullahi Yakubu-Funtua, confirmed the incident in a report by the BBC.

An investigation has been launched to apprehend the criminals responsible for the theft and recover the missing runway lights. The FAAN official mentioned that it is unclear when the system was stolen, but there is a possibility that airport workers were involved in the theft.

The ground lights, which were installed in November of the previous year, had successfully ended the years-long restriction on landing during the evening on that particular section of the airport. The absence of the lights forced domestic carriers to divert to the international section and taxi approximately 4km (2.5 miles) back to the correct terminal, resulting in flight disruptions.

Source: The Guardian

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